Wednesday, August 17, 2005

On Reaching Out--Our Apostolate

The Church has often referred to the work of being sent out into the world by Jesus Christ as our apostolic work--sent ones going forth. Each one of us are sent ones according to the Great Commission Matthew. 28 and Acts 1:1-8. In a spirit of sincerity, love, and deep personal conviction we go forth into the world as individuals and as the Church to make others aware of the love and truth of God in Christ.

The four means of our apostolate are:

1. Speech
2. Action
3. Prayer
4. Example.

How can our church make others aware of the blessings God has given us in order to share them with a searching and hungry world?

1 comment:

St.Patrick's said...


ABSOLUTELY! Reaching out to those who are sick and praying for them is a most effective means of evangelsm. Having been a Vineyard pastor for 10 years, I am fond of John Wimber's book "Power Evangelism" which talks about exactly what you were doing. I have it in paperback now--want it?