Ever wonder what having a Christian Family really means? Sure we have these visions in our heads of the polite but quiet children who don't speak often, but when they do they quote bible verses. The mother is the meek Proverbs 31 woman with a fierce protective streak over her children. The dad looks like the hard working athletic man wearing preacher's clothes who reminds us of Christ and has blue eyes letting you know he really "hears" you.
Oh, and everyone is carrying a bible and wearing a cross around their necks.
Wow, what a picture. No wonder it's easy to get down on ourselves for not having the "Christian" family that God wants for us.
This series of blog posts will introduce what the Bible says about family and will provide three tips that you can do to help bring your family into a closer walk with Jesus.
What the Word Says: The Whole Family Walks With Christ
But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD. Joshua 24:15
God designed the family to love and serve him and to glorify his name. If we are to serve him and fulfill his purposes, it needs to start at home. As parents we have a responsibility to raise our children up and to teach them to walk with Christ. All too often I've heard people say that we should let children grow up to choose their own religion and that we shouldn't try to teach them ours. As far as I can tell, we teach our children every portion of their life. How they should approach school, relationships, how they sit at the table when eating, how to behave in a restaurant, how to think about money, how to brush their teeth.
I've never heard a parent say "Well I think I'll let my child choose whether they want to share when they grow up."
Or "I'll let them learn how to eat on their own and let them choose if they want to eat or not so that when they grow up they can decide their own diet."
Or "I know my son just threw mashed potatoes all over your table, but I'm going to let him decide his own table manners when he gets older."
NO. If we truly believe that God's word and a walk with Christ is the only way to have a fulfilling and blessed life, then why would we decide not to have our children live blessed and fulfilling lives. Unless of course, you don't believe that a walk with Christ is essential ... then I would suggest you talk with your pastor about whether you are truly saved from death and sin.
The whole family needs to walk with Christ, bottom line.
Lord, help me to encourage my family to come closer and walk with You. Let me be an example to my children and raise them to know You more.
Cornelius Tip:
Talk about God in the car when you're going to church, what you heard in the sermon and what they learned in Sunday School when you're going home.
Apollos Tip:
Have a family prayer before you go to bed. It can be off the top of your head or you can find one you want to use written by someone else. One of the parents can do it or you can take turns. It doesn't really matter how you do it as long as you do it.
Lydia Tip:
Start a family Bible study where you read from the Bible together, talk about it and how it applies to your lives. Have some kind of homework so that your spouse and children can have some accountability to what you read.
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